> This is a fresh install of Debian sid using the official KDE 3.1 packages.
> I did 'dpkg -l  grep \+kl' just to be sure, and it came up with nothing.
> gcc --version returns 'gcc (GCC) 3.2.3 20030221 (Debian prerelease)' so
> everything looks ok in that regard as well.

Then that blows my theory to hell (wrt *your* problem; I think I'm right about 

> Earlier today I used a spare machine for a fresh install of Sid with KDE
> and the necessary QT packages and ran into the same problem. Perhaps it's
> something I'm doing wrong, though I can't fathom what that might be.

This is the part that requires everyone else's attention.  Please, those who 
are trying to compile something and cannot get past the configure step, even 
with --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3, please email me a (gzipped!) copy of your 
config.log.  I will figure out what's going on and either tell you to stop 
typing --with-qt-dir=/usr/include/qt3*, or, I will work with Ralf to fix the 

"Yousa steala precious from meesa!" - Jar-Jaromir


*i.e., subtle user error

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