Dear Scott,

thanks for your friendly comment. It's great to read such competent answers 
"OVER and OVER and OVER again". Unfortunatly you did not even come close to 
answering my question. This can have a couple of reasons:

1.) You did not even read my message. Otherwise you should have noticed that I 
not only read the mailing list, I even gave you the date this was discussed 
the last time. 
2.) If you have read my message, you did not understand it. 
3.) You prefer to bash people.

According to your own criteria I guess I could call you incompetent. But I 
wouldn't do that, cause maybe you've just been in a bad mood. 

I could guess that you had a very hard childhood (still having it?) which 
would justify your behaviour. But this would be just as much guessing as your 
comment: "Sid is not meant for people, like you, who want to have things work
 out of the box."

How should you know what I want? You don't even know/understand the question 
I've asked! Moreover, you are definately not the one who makes the rules for 
whom Sid is made...

To make it a little simpler for you, let me cite my original question: "Why 
has kdenetwork still not made it into Sid?" 

Since you seemingly don't know the answer why do you pretend to answer at all?

Apologies are welcome,


On Monday 03 March 2003 23:55, Scott C. Linnenbringer wrote:
> First of all, if you are running sid then you should be competent enough to
> READ THE MAILING LIST (or list archives) and FIGURE OUT that kdenetwork et
> cetera is at:
> deb ./
> I would suggest you use a distribution, like woody, that isn't in rapid
> development and does not require going to the archives or Google to have it
> work. Sid is not meant for people, like you, who want to have things work
> out of the box.
> Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I'm just in a irritated mood with topics
> that have been discussed OVER and OVER and OVER again. :)
> --
> Scott C. Linnenbringer
> finger sl at

> On Monday 03 March 2003 01:52 pm, Felix Homann wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > once again the question: Why has kdenetwork still not made it into Sid?
> >
> > I think this has been discussed the last time on February 23. No answer
> > has been given...
> >
> > Chris Cheney hasn't shown up on this list since February 16. Is he
> > suffering some illness? Is he in trouble with kdenetwork? Is there
> > anything we/I can do to help? Is he still involved in KDE packaging?
> >
> > ...or should I have sticked to Woody with Ralf Nolden's excellent *and
> > complete* packages???
> >
> > A short note on kdenetwork's status, hows and whys would be highly
> > appreciated!

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