On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 11:02:20PM +0100, Mario Girlando scrawled:
> Hi. I've a little problem here...
> I just upgraded to XFree86 4.3 packages from Ralf, and I just noticed the 
> keyboard doesn't behave the way it is supposed to anymore. Let me explain:
> I use an Italian pc-105 keyboard (it layout). I don't know if there are other 
> layouts with this "feature" around, but with this one it is necessary to hit 
> Alt(Right)+key to print several symbols. For example, if you want to get '@' 
> you need to press Alt(Right)+?. Square and curly brackets are also typed this 
> way. This is how it used to work until... well, until 20 minutes ago :(. 
> Now the problem: after I upgraded XFree86 to 4.3, this doesn't work anymore. 
> (i.e. I had to cut-and-paste the above '@' from another window). Does anyone 
> know how to fix it?

This is an issue fixed with 4.3.0-0ds2 in my sid packages, which Ralf
should have at some point for woody.

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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