On Sunday 09 March 2003 09:30, Alan Chandler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Saturday 08 Mar 2003 4:03 pm, Felix Homann wrote:
> > Does this mean there's something wrong with fontconfig or is it just the
> > interplay of KDE and fontconfig?
> Can't be certain, since we haven't got to the bottom of what your problem
> is. QT (and hence KDE) uses XFT (which then uses fontconfig to locate the
> fonts) if it can find a match and then tends to fall back on the xserver
> directly when in difficulty. Not sure what the others do.
> The problem you have must at least start with fontconfig.  I assume (it
> would be a strange configuration if it didn't) that it can find Helvetica
> without problems.  On the other hand Lucida Palatino is not so obvious -
> and if it can't "find" that font by looking throught the directories in
> /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and examining the fonts.cache-1 files in each of
> these directories it will fall back to the style hint that QT uses.
> The style hint is actually asking fontconfig to find a "family" called
> "sans" or "monospace" or "serif" (depends which style hint you use).  In
> /etc/fonts/fonts.conf you will probably find some alias lines that turn
> these names into a list of actual fonts (actually "sans" first gets to
> converted to "sans-serif" and from there into a list of fonts).  The font
> match algorithmn used by font config will be to match the first on the list
> that it can find (there are other factors but lets ignore them until we
> find out that they are signficant).
> So the reason the fonts all look the same is that fontconfig is probably
> mapping each request into Helvetica.

Update to last fontconfig or add "<dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</dir>" to 
/etc/fonts/local.conf and do fc-cache -f -v

> Try looking in the directory where your Lucinda Palatino font is installed,
> and see if the fonts.cache-1 file is there.  Take a look at it, and check
> the format (its pretty easy with a standard text editor) and see if you can
> find the font.  The font filename and the family name (and a host of other
> parameters) should be obvious.
> - --
> Alan Chandler
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Filipe Sousa

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