On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> In a kind of fit of PMS I erased and purged my own KDE version and installed
> the version in SID yesterday.
> But I removed it and reinstalled my own version today, since the SID version
> just gave me too many problems. It was also noticable slower in addition to
> the problems.

I've been using the kl packages leading upto and beyond the release of
KDE3.1.  It's been great, thanks!  But what is the current policy with
regard to which version I should use?  What's the difference?  Do they
both use the same source packages?  Both kl and sid versions of kde seem
to be kept upto date, as far as I can tell.  What about future release
candidates and minor upgrades?

Sorry for the many questions: the kde debian page doesn't seem to have an
exposition on these questions.


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