On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 03:09:54PM +0100, Ralf Nolden wrote:

> On Friday 21 March 2003 08:52, you wrote:
> > Hi Ralf,
> >
> > the g++ libraries from your backport of the experimental packages of
> > XFree86 4.3.0 you announed at [1] are compiled with g++ 2.95 although
> > they must be compiled with g++ 3.2.
> Hi Adrian,

Hi Ralf,

> well, considering that woody's default compiler is gcc 2.95 I don't see a
> reason to compile it with gcc-3.2. That would basically mean that I would
> need to do a woody transition to gcc-3.2 completely and there's no way I'm
> going to do that :-)

the correct way is to do a reverse g++ transition, IOW: compile with
2.95, postfix the package names with a -gcc2.95 or a c0 (or whatever
else you like) and let your library packages conflict with the g++ 3.2
compiled library packages in unstable.

> > Much worse is that this will cause breakages if people use these broken
> > packages together with packages from sarge/unstable or if they use other
> > packages you backported together with correct future XFree86 4.3.0
> > packages from sarge/unstable.
> I'm building woody only and woody is - as you surely know - relying on 2.95 as
> its compiler.
> If people are mixing their woody installations with stuff from testing and
> unstable they clearly have to know what they're doing - because they'll run
> into such problems.
> Either stick with woody (my repositories are large enough to fulfill the
> current desktop user's needs and you can get OO and Mozilla elsewhere) or go
> with testing and unstable.

Debian has a very good reputation for working upgrades between stable 

One day Debian 3.1 will be released and people will start to do both
complete and partial upgrades from Debian 3.0 plus your packages to
Debian 3.1. With your current packages this will cause various
breakages for many people.

> Ralf



       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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