Wolfgang Mader schrieb am Sunday, den 23. March 2003:

> hello to everyone,
> today i was wandering through the configdialog of konqueror and found in the 
> section behavior (from german: verhalten) of the browser part the switch open 
> llink in tab not in a seperate window (from german: Verknüpfung in 
> Unterfenster nazeigen statt in extra Fenster). But what i want is that the 
> link will be opened in a tab but in the background like you can select it 
> from right-klick-context-window if you klick on a link.

It's the option right after the one you already selected: "Neue 
Unterfenster autom. aktivieren."
Deselect it.
It's a pity that the KDE developers didn't use the same naming of the 
config optiones as Mozilla.


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