Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


Another one, kxmleditor is O: now.
As with the other kde package i just orphaned i havent used it for a
long time now. And havent maintained it as it should be maintained.
Upstream is active here. There is a 0.8 beta at their site

KXML Editor is simple program, that display and edit contents of XML
file. Left side contain tree with XML document structure, right side
contain list of attributes for selected XML element and its contents.

The one that takes this package should retitle this Bug to ITA: and
upload a KDE3 ready version of it.
If you are not a DD yet and need a sponsor i can do that.

bye Joerg
<Christian> bignachos: the famous pornview maintainer?
<HoserHead> Christian: *don't* ask why he's typing so slowly
<bignachos> hey, at least i thoroughly test my packages

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