On Friday 04 April 2003 08:17 am, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
> Yo!
> Posted here since I guess some of the kde upstream folks read this list,
> too. Many of these probably covered somewhere else, too, so please forgive
> me.

A good place for these is bugs.kde.org, as I know for a fact that the main 
KMail developers (Don, Ingo, Marc) don't read this list.  You will also find 
out that (as you suspected) most of these have been noticed by other people, 
so you can 'vote' for your most pressing wishlist item or bugfix (rather than 
creating dupe bug reports, which will just be closed).

>  Why can the composer not remember that I want it to display the message in
> fixed font? (I assume this is already being corrected in upstream)

I don't really know what you're talking about here. It remembers whatever font 
I set it to in the 'Appearance'.  Are you sure you mean composer? 

>  A small bug (I doubt I'm the first to notice this, either): quoted text is
> shown in a bigger font than unquoted text. Screenshot (what's a small kde
> app for taking them?) at http://fortytwo.ch/~avbidder/kmail-quoting.png
> (Oh, yes: I'm *not* using custom fonts, but the fonts of the global KDE
> config).

Well, you would need to have custom fonts to make composer use a fixed font 
(iirc).  But this seems much more like a X server/font issue than KMail.  

>  Does kmail support a 'display deleted messages as strike-through' mode?
> Problem: in mailing list folders, while scanning the subject lines, I
> delete messages much faster than kmail can update the display (I'm using
> IMAP over an 256/64 connection, so fetching the next message takes its
> time). Deleting articles that fast does weird things, including making
> kmail crash occasionally (this could also be related because displaying a
> message takes its time whin kmail is autoverificating a gpg signature).

No, it doesn't.  I tend to use a click/shift-click to select a bunch of 
messages, then delete them all at once.  IMAP is one of the places that KMail 
has lagged, but it is also one of the places that it has gotten better by 
leaps and bounds with each release.

>  Wishlist feature: newsreader-like 'ignore thread' functionality.

I'm confident there is such a wishlist feature.  Find it and vote.  I can tell 
you from experience that the KDE devs pay attention to that list, as client 
side imap filtering is being (has been?) implemented for 3.2 by Don soley 
based on that.

>  Likely to be a misconfiguration or missing software package: it doesn't
> display attachments (simple ones, like jpgs etc.) inline. Wishlist (that's
> not in kmail, though, as far as I understand): a [ ] do not ask for this
> MIME type again check box when launching an application to view an
> attachment.

I get inline display of jpegs.  Maybe it uses kview? Sorry, don't know.  A 
'don't ask again' has been implemented in HEAD, iirc.

>  Matter of taste: I don't like that kmail opens a new window for the source
> view of the mail. For keyboard reading, switching to source view and back
> could be easy with a single key stroke.

If you do a lot of keyboard reading, you can bind 'view source' to a key, and 
just use alt-f4 when done.  Not what you were asking for, but better than a 
lot of mousing.

>  Evo remembers sort order and the displayed columns in the header view (and
> their width and order) on a per folder basis. One thing I'm really gonna
> miss.


> kmail <-> kaddressbook integration:
>  [ ] this person prefers HTML mail
>  [ ] this person prefers encrypted mail
>  [ ] don't sign mail to this person
> (or even Use ( ) PGP/MIME ( ) inline PGP ( ) S/MIME .. to sign email for
> this person, but that's probably too fiddly).

This is at least partially implemented.  I recall being able to set 'always 
encrypt to this recipient', the last time I tried.  HTML and 'don't sign' are 


MuMlutlitithtrhreeaadededd s siigngnatatuurere

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