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On Saturday 05 April 2003 07:03 am, Penn Gwynne wrote:
> I am fairly (re)new to Debian.  I had Potato in its early days, but
> played with Gentoo then Redhat 8 to get a feel for other distros.
> Ultimately I reinstalled Debian a couple of weeks ago from the 3.0r1 CDs
> and of course got KDE 2.2.  I want to use KDE specifically, but KMail
> from KDE 2.2 would not work with my ISP which requires a password for
> After scanning a couple of threads in debian-user I got brave and went to
> www.kde.org where I added "deb
> http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.1/Debian stable main" to my
> sources.list.  Took me a bit to figure out how to actually get KDE 3.1.1.
>  (Didn't realize it was "apt-get install kdm" and not "apt-get upgrade".)
>  So now I have KDE 3.1.1 and love it and this mail is being typed by
> KMail.
> I see problems though.  I tried to install koffice and get errors.  Here
> is an extract of the terminal spew.
>   koffice: Depends: koffice-libs but it is not going to be installed
>            Depends: kchart but it is not going to be installed
> Later I tried to install xmmsarts and got the same sort of thing:
> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   xmmsarts: Depends: libarts-alsa (>= 4:2.2.2-1) but it is not going to
> be installed or libarts (>= 4:2.2.2-1)
> I assume all of this is because my system is now in sort of a "split"
> mode; stock Woody except for KDE.
> Any advice on how to resolve this?  Do I need to upgrade to Sarge or
> (ugh) Sid?  Or is it primarily my newness to apt-get and how to force an
> install of a particular version of a package.
> Thanks,
> /Pen

I use an additional source for koffice. I find it helpful to use dselect or 
aptitude to help resolve depends.
deb http://download.kde.org/stable/koffice-1.2.1/Debian/woody ./

- -- 
Greg Madden
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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