Hi, Alex!

On Tuesday 08 April 2003 00:47, Alex wrote:
> I foun an article talking about that, but is in spanish. He offers
> his repositories, 

Thanks, that did it (see below) :)

> so is a good idea to use google translation if you don't understand
> spanish

Ah well, the google translations always humor me :)
"... we needed the following programs and bookstores" etc.

But the repository is nice, since it contains exactly the packages I was 
(deb http://bulmalug.net/~daneel/debian/ ./)

After installing the necessary packages and then completing the 
instructions on kmail.kde.org it worked like a charm (so hopefully this 
mail is correctly signed :))

A few notes:
Caveat: Do not use pinentry-qt since it won't work. Use pinentry-gtk 

And if you like gpg-agent being started automatically you can try the 
attached script (to be put into /etc/X11/Xsession.d).

The Problem with this script is that gpg-agent keeps running after the 
user has logged out. I don't like that too much so if anyone has a 
better solution I'd be happy to hear it.

The script also has debugging enabled so that you can check what 
gpg-agent does in .xsession-errors


Attachment: pgpTZftvjYAbl.pgp
Description: signature

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