On Tuesday 08 April 2003 09:18, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > > I have 128MB of RAM and it seems to always be completely used up when I
> > > am logged in as user. I know that this could be causing my slowdown,
> > > but what else can be causing it? Secondly, how do I speed things up
> > > without installing more RAM?
> >
> > Try running 'chown root.root /tmp/.ICE-unix' when you log in.
> Er, *before* you log in.

How does that trick work?

Frank Van Damme    | "Saying 8MB of RAM doesn't do as much anymore is
http://www.        | like saying a gallon of water holds more than it
openstandaarden.be | did in 1988."                    --George Adkins

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