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Am Dienstag, 8. April 2003 23:42 schrieb Hendrik Sattler:
> Am Dienstag, 8. April 2003 23:08 schrieb Patrick Dreker:
> > The X memory usage includes AGP mem. So if your card has 32 meg of RAM
> > you have to subtract this first. My X reports 290 megs used, but I have
> > 128 megs of that on my graphics board.
> 290-128=?
> That's too much ;)
> I'm pretty sure that X does not use that much.
Sure. top readings for memory have a history of being annoyingly easy to 
misunderstand (read: being wrong). IIRC these memory readings show all mem 
used by shared libs as belonging to the app, so these are displayed multiple 

My X mem numbers are probably disturbed by the Nvidia drivers. Who knows what 
these actually do behind their proprietary scenes...
> BTW: KDE3.1.1 can run fine with 128MB and I am not so sure that all the
> blame for memory hogging goes to KDE itself.
I have 512 meg of RAM, and the machine never swaps under normal use. Basically 
I don't care for the memory usage, as long as I have the impression of 
getting something in return, and using KDE I certainly have that impression. 

> What's worse is that KDE still takes ages to start, independent on how fast
> the system is. KDM starts up fast (although it is still pretty slow), too,
> so somewhere must be a big problem in the startup routine. The whole
> desktop creation stuff simply cannot take that long, other window managers
> do that much faster, too. QT and KDE libs and all that is already loaded by
> KDM. What does actually take that long? Or to be more specific: what eats
> up the most time at KDE startup?
Adding more RAM does not improve the situation either. Logging in takes almost 
1 minute on my AMD 1200/512meg. Starting kwin manually from a failsafe X 
Session is almost instantaneous. Same for kdesktop... startkde OTOH takes as 
long as a usual login...


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