On Wednesday 09 April 2003 15:23, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 April 2003 13:26, Daniel Stone wrote:

> > > OOo is also ridiculous. It should share nore with the other
> > > available open source software - such as widgets. I'd be
> > > delighted to save my files with those gorgeous QT dialogs instead
> > > of the pathetic built-in windows ui clone they use now. I wonder
> > > why Sun hasn't used Motif for the Staroffice UI actually.
> >
> > OOo is ridiculous in so many ways, including a 15min startup time
> > on lower-end machines. It's the worst benchmark of anything you
> > could possibly pick.
> Yes... bad design, bloat, redundant code, all the horrors in one...
> We use it at home because of the good support for MS office formats
> though.

Yup, actually OOo is the worst software, which I *have* to use everyday. 
Only for that MS file format support thing.

You know funny thing is, instead of tuning it to start faster, in 1.1 
beta, they have added a status bar, so that when OOo is starting, you 
will know how many minutes you have, to go and get a coffee and come 
back ;-)

There was a time, when Sun was known for producing fast, secure and 
stable code. e.g back in mid 90s, everyone (even their competitors) 
agreed that Solaris was the best *nix ever. When in 2000 they announced 
their plan for staroffice/openoffice.Borg I really expected something 
much better than this bloated piece of ash**

It makes me wonder, what happened to that sun?

just my $0.02

/* My name is Jehovah. I have a special plan to save the universe, but
because of heavenly security reasons I can't tell you what that plan
is. Your's just going to put your faith in me, because I see the
picture and you don't. You know I'm good, because I told you so. If you
don't believe me, I'll throw you on my enemies list and throw you in a
pit where Infernal Revenue Service will audit your taxes for eternity*/
Aryan Ameri

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