Dear Folks at KDE and Debian,

This is a follow up to Leo's detailed analysis of why KDE-3.1.1 kdm crashes on startup in Debian.

I first experienced problems with the upgrade on my home machine; I posted to this group about ten days ago. I then tried an upgrade on my office this week and had the same problem noted before. My office machine has a default Debian testing distribution with a few unstable packages like mozilla.

I give my comments below:

Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:
A Dijous 03 Abril 2003 10:54, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda va escriure:

after some kind of fight betwend my old box, kde and I have a system working now, and I "think" that I understand what happened.

I did a  purge of all kde, and qt as Ralf said in another message.

apt-get remove --purge libqt3*

Did this.

So I began to test what happended.

I did a simple installation with a minimal X, and xdm and I installed scribus that for dependency needed libqt-mt.

And boom, I couldn't run scribus. The messages was (I'm sorry, I had to have wrotten it) something like this
~~~QFont: cannot set the font size to -1

I removed all lib3t2 and libqt3 packages also.

In that time I had the Xserver configured with two fonts servers:
xft and xftt. The truetype fonts were managed by xftt because I thought that it was better, but not. I don't know which are the difference betwend libqt 3.1.2 and 3.1.1, but with 3.1.1 I didn't have any problem but with the new version it was a nightmare.

I think xfstt is the cause of the problem. Interestingly, I have libqt3 release 3.1.2-0woody1 on both my home and office PCs.

I too had xfstt on my system: kdm failed to startup; the X server also crashed. As root, if I did

/etc/init.d/xfstt stop

and started x, the X-server worked and KDE was available. If I re-booted (and xfstt was again up) the X-server and kdm again crashed.

So I did

apt-get remove xfstt

and re-booted and things were perfect.

However, on my home PC, I can and do have xfstt and KDE-3.1.1 running together.

This points to xfstt being part of the cause of kdm crashing, but maybe not the sole cause.

I conclude that xfstt holds the clue to the answer of the problem on my office machine, perhaps in conjunction with x-server* packages.

I have the following questions and comments:

1. Why does xfstt co-exist with KDE-3.1.1 on my home PC but not my office PC? (I ensured that xfstt was the same release 1.2.1-1 on both. The xservers* debs are however 4.1.0-16 and 4.2.1-3 respectively.)

2. How can I make xfstt and KDE-3.1.1 co-exist on my office machine?

3. Does the Debian defoma font manager hold the key to this problem? (I recall that the KDE control centre did not recognize the tt font locations when I last tried it out. Do KDE and defoma talk?)

4. The gnome desktop and sawfish window manager can co-exist with xfstt and were operational when KDE-3.1.1 kdm failed.

So, I removed xftt, and configured xfs to manage truetype and all is working..
Well, I have to say that I also suffered the bug about the kdelibs-data with the ui/ui_standards.rc. file (and several files more.)

Leo, please let me know by individual e-mail how you configured xfs to manage truetype. Many thanks for your help.

Otherwise, thank's for your help.



--Chandra 11 Apr 03 ------------------ Dr R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar Australian Research Centre for Medical Engineering Murdoch University South Street, Murdoch, WA 6150, AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-(8)-9360-2783 Fax: +61-(8)-9360-6304 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Murdoch University CRICOS Provider Code is 00125J ------------------

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