On Wed, 16 Apr 2003 05:59:40 +0200
Magnus von Koeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For example, you can listen to music using Noatun but still hear 
> system sounds. If your sound card doesn't support multiple parallel 
> sound inputs (there's probably a more scientific term), you need arts 
> for this to work.

Yes, it's called full duplex actually. All recent sound cards (or not
too cheap ones) can do this.

> My sound card, though, can play multiple sounds all by it self. So, 
> even if I use standard Linux sound drivers without any extras, I can 
> hear multiple sounds at the same time. So, basically, arts is just an 
> additional layer I don't need.

Even my old Aureal Vortex from 1998 can, so arts is just a thing I don't
need. What sucks about this noatun/arts dependance is that one can't
work without the other. In fact, arts doesn't work with my sound card,
so I can't use any of KDE multimedia players. I know that my card is an
old one, that the company has gone bankrupt, but still, I'd like to use
noatun without needing arts. And the current scheme in KDE's
architecture won't allow this.

I hope this situation will change, as many people don't need arts
Lucas Moulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Why go against tradition when we can admit defeat, live in decline, be
the victim of our own design" -- NOFX

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