On Wednesday 16 April 2003 11:48 am, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 April 2003 14:54, Lucas Moulin wrote:
> > You misunderstoo. I said I can't use noatun without arts running. And
> > my sound card doesn't work with arts, hence my problem :(
> The second part is the one I didn't understand.
> Which driver are you using for your card?
> Arts always worked with OSS and ALSA drivers on my machines.
> Cheers,
> Kevin

I actually already solved his issue with him off list.  With the aureal 
drivers, you need to use the multi-threaded option in arts in order for it 
not to crash.  Specifically, what's going on is that arts has an assert that 
is hit using standard oss, that isn't hit using threaded oss.  And while 
(like all asserts) the condition shouldn't ever happen (it's a buffer 
allocation/buffer check, if you're interested), it does using the aureal.  
But it's not a showstopper, as I use it and it works fine (i.e., no odd 
sounds or anything).  The only drawback is that if you leave your music 
paused for a long time, arts will hang and need to be restarted.

To sum up: it's a bug in either the chipset or the driver, but a bug in arts 
allows it to be usable, with only minor inconvenience.

I dearly hope this email will keep anyone else from having to trace through 
the arts and driver code to find out the whys and wherefores that arts + 
aureal == crashes, because frankly, it really sucked.

MuMlutlitithtrhreeaadededd s siigngnatatuurere

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