I use KDE 3.1.1 with Sawfish as WM (it's my favorite WM - don't want to switch to kwin). All KDE apps which should dock in 'systray' part of kicker open small window with icon in it. I saw this in KNotes, Kopete, Psi. All of them docks when I use kwin instead of sawfish. Where is a bug? Gaim 0.6x docks perfectly in panel.

I start X using gdm with X Session:


export GDK_USE_XFT=1
export QT_XFT=1

source ~/.bash_profile

export KDEWM=`which sawfish`

/usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon &
/usr/bin/X11/unclutter &
/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ~/.xmodmap

source `which startkde`

-- APT: deb http://www.hrw.one.pl/apt/ sid/

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