On Monday 28 April 2003 04:43, Derek Broughton wrote:

> And, no I don't think automount would be the analogue on Linux.  On Windows
> systems, those mounts are accomplished at user login time, by a script run
> when you try to connect to the network.  The user can then choose to
> perform his own mounts ("map network drive").  At logout time, all shares
> are dismounted - and user-mounted shares _may_ be automatically remounted
> next login (users's choice).  Of course, just because this is how windows
> works, doesn't mean it's the way Komba _should_ work, but I tend to agree
> that it should require some extra effort on a user's part to mount a
> persistent share as it doesn't matter how much "education" users get,
> they're simply not going to bother unmounting a share if they don't have
> to.  otoh, does it really matter if mounts are ever "reaped", whether by
> Komba or any daemon?
> derek

Well, as I mentioned we need a way for people to only see THEIR mounted 
shares, in a Thin Client environment, and that would solve part of it, but if 
you have a system with fifty users, and 10 shares apiece, that never get 
reaped, pain in the butt dealing with them after hours..  Be nice to know 
that noone is using the shares when doing upgrades etc. on a server running 

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