Am Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2003 20:33 schrieb James Greenhalgh:
> On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 12:14, Craig Dickson wrote:
> > I have the feeling that this problem is ultimately some sort of odd
> > locking problem. It might be in Konqueror itself (though why, then, does
> > the whole system seem to freeze?), or in glibc, or the X server, or even
> > the kernel (though why, then, does only Konqueror cause it?). Funny.
> I'm pretty sure its konqueror itself.

This could be, as konqueror needs very long to display home directories when 
there are many hidden files. It seems to check all files and directories 
before filtering out the hidden ones :( Try starting konqueror within another 
home directory to see if that's it.

Or you are using some filesharing client like lmule and your disk is heavily 
fragmented. While reading/copying fragmented files, konqueror needs up to 
nearly a minute on my Athlon 1700 XP, while reading/copying unfragmented 
files this becomes never more than 5 seconds.
Don't forget that all linux filesystems like to have at least 10% of free 
space all the time.

KDE Apps tend to use the hard disk rather often, even when started. An example 
is KMail, where redrawing the mail window (change to the desktop with kmail 
on it) takes some seconds while the disk is heavily working. So KDE Apps seem 
to be more vulnerable to disk fragmentation.
Unfortunately there is no working defrag for ext3, and many dinosaurs say 
things like "Linux doesn't suffer from fragmentation" which was a nearly true 
sentence until file sharing programs were used to download several huge files 
in parallel over days/weeks.

Thomas Ritter

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin

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