On Monday 12 May 2003 23.50, Sebastian Kugler wrote:
> Slightly OT, but this reminds me of some odd behaviour when I am trying
> to drag&drop multiple files.
> When I select multiple file and then try to drag them elsewhere, I only
> 'catch' the file I am actually pointing to. The selection of the other
> files gets lost. I did not yet find a setting for that, maybe someone
> could point me to one or even tell me how to drag&drop properly.
> I am running running KDE 3.1.1a on a debian sarge install with some
> packags from unstable as wel as some non-officiel repositories. I have
> an up to date install of the packages provided by
> http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.1/Debian.

I can only second this, i'm running KDE 3.1.1a on woody. Only in icon view 
works the multiple drag'n'drop  properly.

Putz Ákos               Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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