 After installing gnome 2.2
 (http://mirrors.evilgeniuses.org.uk/debian/backports/woody gnome2.2/)
 Kde 3 apps doesnt look nice at all, they start but windows are 
 very big (extreme!) and no fonts are showing (no text beside icons etc).
 Starting kde gives me a desktop with "_________________" instead of
 text for the icons. 
 I'm using sarge, gnome is my standard world but it would be nice to use
 some kde apps like Kile. I have tried to compile my own kde apps but
 it is the same.
 The kde packages are from http://download.kde.org/stable/latest/Debian
 I have tried Karolinas, debian official, same problem.

    /* Henrik */  
    GNU - Free Software (free as in freedom, not as in free beer) 

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