On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 08:50:58AM +1000, Ben Burton wrote:
> So it seems we're giving up completely on the idea of some sane system
> for having debian install the compatibility Qt headers by default just
> like *every* other Qt installation?
> I realise I brought this up several times some months ago, and it did
> seem IIRC that it was generally agreed upon that it was a Good Thing to
> have debian users get the same set of compatibility headers that
> everyone else gets, and that the debian package management system was
> *not* meant to be abused to punish users into hassling developers to
> write non-legacy code.
> I was quieted by the fact that Ralf explained the dependencies would be
> patched in Qt 3.1.2, and that the appropriate patches were sitting in
> CVS in qt-copy/debian.
> It seems that not only were these patches never uploaded to sid in the
> meantime, but now they've actually been removed from CVS altogether.

I have to say that I agree 100% with Ben on this one. In ye olde
Utopiane worlde, we'd be able to deprecate headers and draw the line in
the sane, but we can't. It's not our call, it's upstream's call, and we
shouldn't be placing further arbitrary restrictions.


Daniel Stone         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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