On 20.Mai 2003 - 20:37:38, Dave Lister wrote:
> Hi there, I've just subscribed to this list - feel free to spank me if
> I'm too BFUish ;)
> I've installed new KDE 3.1.2 core libraries (from kde.org) on my SARGE.
> It was a bit tricky as KDE's Arts is "only" 1.1.2-0 and Sarge's is
> 1.1.2-1. I've solved this manully and installed WOODY's libvorbis0 to
> allow KDE's Arts slip in without further dependency problems. So far so
> good. Now, I have new KDE's Arts, core and QT 3.1.2 libraries and
> devel headers.
> I'm using new gcc 3.2.3-0pre9, _not_ Woody's 2.9x, which was used to
> compile all KDE's binary packages. Everyting seems to work all right,
> new KDE apps and even my compiled-before-upgrade /usr/local/bin QT apps.
> The problem is that any qt-based app I try to _compile_ now fails to get
> linked, because of "undefined references", apparently the ones to
> exports in libqt-mt.
> My guess is that gcc 3.2 is somehow "binary incompatible" with older
> 2.9x and thus, linker fails to resolve all symbols in the 2.9x-compiled
> libqt-mt.so.3.1.2. 
> First question: 
>   Is it possible? If not, what could be the reason?

Is what possible? To compile your QT apps against a library built with
2.9x? No, the so called ABI of 2.95, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 are all incompatible
to each other. The KDE and also QT probably used 2.95 to compile so this

> Second question: 
>   Is there any other way than downgrading gcc back to Woody's 2.9x or
>   compiling the whole QT from sources (as I did in the days of unstable
>   3.1)?

You don't have to downgrade, export CC=gcc-2.95 and CXX=gcc-2.95, that
should do. Oh and don't forget to do an apt-get install gcc-2.95, it is
also available in sarge :) Only the gcc package changes according to the
transition to gcc-3.2


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