Mauro Darida wrote:

> I have read somewhere about two fixes in java support. Maybe they can
> explain my failure to make java working in konqueror:
> 1. conflicts with the compiler: is kde 3.1.1 for woody compiled with
> gcc2.95? Java must be compiled with the same gcc my blackdown
> j2re1.3 for woody compiled with gcc2.95?

I doubt very much that the maintainer of the blackdown .debs would compile 
woody packages with gcc3.x

> 2. In order to make blakcdown debs working with Mozilla a soft link is
> needed: ln -s /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ should be a symlink to 

> should I do something similar ?? Or should I throw away this non-GPL f**
> language from Sun people ??

:-) Well there are other jvm's (hence the use of /etc/alternatives)...

$ apt-cache search java-virtual-machine
gij-3.2 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
gij-3.3 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
kaffe - A JVM to run Java bytecode
sablevm - Free implementation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) second edition
ibm-jdk1.1-installer - Installer for IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java(TM) 
Technology Edition
j2re1.3 - Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
jre1.1 - Blackdown Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE1.1)
j2re1.4 - Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition

...but I'd say the blackdown was your best bet.

Just out of curiosity, could you do

$ ls -l /etc/alternatives > somefilename.txt

and post it to me off-list.


Simon Hepburn.

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