El Miércoles, 28 de Mayo de 2003 03:44, Joseph M. Reagle Jr. escribió:
> I'm trying to get aegpten in sid working for kmail using your debs:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2003/debian-kde-200305/msg00426.html
> then following these directions
>   http://kmail.kde.org/kmail-pgpmime-howto.html#gnupg

If you use debian sid, use the packages in the sid official repository, and 
the ones build by Eduard Llull from Bulma, which are pointed in that article:

The article is in spanish, but using google translation, it must be easy to 
understand. In fact, commands, and snapshots, are very clear :-).

> Second when I `echo "test" | gpg -ase -r 0xDB2CAD7F | gpg` some dialog
> pops
> up -- too fast to see -- and it reports:
>   gpg-agent[18554]: command get_passphrase failed: ec=-1
>   gpg: problem with the agent - disabling agent use
>   gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ..

I am trying to backport to woody, all necesary  packages for Ägypten (that are 
working in sid), and I'm experiencing this same problem :-(

My skills as a debian packager are very low :-P, but I'm wondering my mistake 
was compiling pinentry with a wrong "configure" options. If I had time, there 
will be unofficial packages for woody users, too.

Best regards.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0xAA8D2A01
http://lacurva.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vax Vobiscum

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