Hmm, I didn't catch that notice. Glad to see the DivX code was rewritten.

I wonder if Marillat will want to officially package it?

On July 17, 2003 02:05 am, Riku Voipio wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 10:37:26PM -0500, Antiphon wrote:
> > Actually, not all of MPlayer is GPL. While the main routines have been
> > relicensed under it, there are still portions of it that are non-free.
> >
> > MPlayer devs have been working on removing non-free portions but the DivX
> > code in it is still non-free. Until this code gets replaced, don't expect
> > it in official Debian or in KDE.
> It's already coped with, according to:
> What remains is that we still need a brave soul to package this
> monster of a package.
> --
> Riku Voipio          |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
> kirkkonummentie 33     |    +358 40 8476974          --+--
> 02140 Espoo            |                               |
> Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.  |

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