On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 01:13:58AM +0300, Riku Voipio wrote:
> Things we have to wait for:
>     imagemagick->perl->gdbm
>                 ( This seems the ugliest problem at the moment. Lots
>                   of packages need to recompiled against the new gdbm 
>                   and RC-free to get this deadlock fixed )

That's not actually true, it just looks that way. gdbm/gdbm173 will be
in testing within a day or two; perl needs a segfault fixed in its test
suite on mips; after that a few things will need to be fixed in packages
in imagemagick's dependency tree, notably php3 and ruby.

However, I would expect all this to be easier than fixing KDE package
bugs, so there's no reason why the latter should be delayed.

>     db3/xdelta2 ( xdelta2 upstream dead? maintainer working hard it
>                   compilable )

Anthony removed xdelta2 from testing to allow db3 in.

>     openldap2   ( maintainers want to be sure slapd upgrade is smooth
>                   before letting to sarge )

That's in now.

> It doesn't look like that daunting task, except for buildd machines :P

Seriously, I think it's far more important to have a working KDE 3 soon
than to worry about the load on buildds. They'll always catch up


Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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