On Thursday 25 September 2003 2:31 pm, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
> On Thursday 25 September 2003 21:33, Carla Schroder wrote:
> > The solution is better list management. A responsible list manager munges
> Another solution using kmail goes like this:
> 1. Turn on pop filtering for your account.
> 2. Add filter that fetches all mails that explicitly has your email address
> in the 'To' header.
> 3. Add filter that nukes everything else.
> 4.  ...
> 5. Profit!
> Anders
> --
> This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1.3 on Debian GNU/Linux

Heh. good point. I love Kmail, I haven't found anything I need yet that it 
can't do. Except stop the garbage before it hits my server.

Those of us who pay for a limited amount of bandwidth and storage would rather 
not have all that !%$^# spam and virus nonsense hit the server in the first 
place. Who else supports making spam a capital offense?

(only partly kidding....)

Carla Schroder
this message brought to you
by Libranet 2.8 and Kmail

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