On Wednesday 03 December 2003 08:19, jedd wrote:
>  ] 1. Move the mail in question to the outbox folder
>  ] 2. Now you can edit this mail and remove the attachment.
>  ] 3. Save it again, but dont sent it.
>  ] 4. Move it back to the orignal folder
>  Hey, that's a neat way of doing it!  The only thing is that it

Sounds like an extremely cumbersome way of doing it.

>  if someone had already filed a wishlist for it - bug # 33219
>  was opened in 2001, and was closed without any explanatory
>  comments.

It is a very old bug report. The reason for closing the bug appears to be 
simply that it has been fixed. But without any comments it is difficult to 
understand what that means.

I still think you should file it as a wishlist bug, because the above 
workaround is not satisfactory, and the old bug report propably hasn't even 
been evaluated. It was imported from an older bug reporting system, which 
probably explains why it wasn't taken seriously.

There should have been at least a comment about why it was fixed.
If you do open a new bug report, I think it would be proper to mention the old 
one, and at least request a comment on why it was closed. If they close the 
new one with a better explanation, it would be a good idea to add that 
explanation as a comment to the old one as well.


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