On Wed 07 Jan 2004 8:07 pm, Bob Underwood wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 January 2004 8:53 pm, Doug Holland wrote:
> > I had kmail working fine with Aegyptan until the last KDE update,
> > now when I try to send a signed message, It briefly shows the
> > enter-your-passphrase dialog, but that quickly disappears and is
> > replaced with an error message saying
> >
> > "This message could not be signed!
> > The Crypto Plug-In '/usr/lib/cryptplug/gpgme-openpgp.so' reported
> > the following details:
> > #19 : No Passphrase
> > Your configuration might be invalid or the Plug-In damaged.
> > Please contact your system administrator."
> >
> > How do I get Aegyptan's kmail integration working again?
> My 3.1.4 KMail has a click box for either the plug-in or the "Inline
> OpenGPG (built in)"  Using the built in works for me.
> I can confirm that the plug-in doesn't work for me.
> bob

Yeah, but the built-in GPG functionality has always been half broken (WHY 
HASN'T IT BEEN FIXED?) so I'd rather use Aegyptan if at all possible.

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