On Saturday 10 January 2004 21:00, Antiphon wrote:
> I'm not running the latest CVS so can someone tell me if KMail has the
> ability to filter attachments?  As of 1.5.4, KMail doesn't have this
> functionality It really ought to. I'm sick of Windows viruses clogging up
> my inbox.

This particular nuisance is in fact easy to get rid of. At least if you use a 
pop server. You have to turn on pop filtering for your account, and set it to 
trigger at a reasonably low size mail. 50kb is good.
Now add two pop filters.
The first filter checks if your email address is in the To: header. Set it to 
download all mail that triggers this filter.
Add a second filter that always triggers and have it simply nuke everything 

How this works:

Windows virus spam never has your email address in the actual to: header 
field, but real people sending you attachments almost always have. So you 
simply download all "real mail" and nuke everything else.
Now if people cc/bcc you, this will unfortunately kill all those. I find this 
to be acceptable.

The cool thing is that you don't even waste bandwith downloading the entire 
mail, you only get the headers, and the filter then decides whether to get 
the mail or kill it on the server.


This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1.4 on Debian GNU/Linux

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