
I have a big problem with the brand new kde3.2. I've compiled it from 
sources today, and installed it. It almost works perfectly ;)

When I open the Control Center, and try to click on the System 
Administration / Font Installer, I get this message (in a new window):

There was an error loading the module.

The diagnostics is:
Library files for "libkcm_fontinst.la" not found in paths
Possible reasons:
An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned 
control module
You have old third party modules lying around.
Check these points carefully and try to remove the module mentioned in 
the error message. If this fails, consider contacting your distributor 
or packager.

Then it can not open the Font Installer stuff on the Control Center, I 
can only see an empty window.

The `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH` output:


Weird thing, is that when I run the Control Center from Konsole (with 
kcontrol) and not from the Kmenu, and try to click on the same System 
Administration / Font Installer, I get this message (in a new window):

Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:
klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_fonts'.

But then, it shows the Font Installer stuff in the Control Center; I can 
see the buttons in the toolbar (Reload, New Folder, etc...), but when I 
click on the Reload I get this error again:

Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:
klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_fonts'.

If I type "fonts:/Personal" in the konqueror's location bar, I get the 
very same error message (even when I type "fonts:/System").

I tried to reinstall (recompile) everything, but that didn't fix it. Is 
there some program that I must run before using this feature in the 
Control Center, or this is an error caused by some misconfiguration?
What could be the problem?

Thanks a lot!



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