On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 08:09, Shaun Jackman wrote:
> It looks like libfreetype6 is indeed the problem. It's funny I didn't
> have this problem with kde 3.1.2 though.
> startkde: Starting up...
> kdeinit: relocation error: /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3: undefined symbol:
> FT_Seek_Stream
> startkde: Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation.
> The culprit definitely seems to be libfreetype6, which I have
> installed from testing because I am running Xfree86 4.2.1.
> libfreetype6    2.1.7-2 install ok installed
> libfreetype6    2.0.9-1 stable
> libfreetype6    2.1.7-2 testing
> libfreetype6/testing uptodate 2.1.7-2
> So it seems kde 3.2 (from download.kde.org) conflicts with
> libfreetype6 2.1.7-2. Is it possible to run Xfree86 4.2.1 and KDE 3.2
> on the same system?
> Please cc me in your reply.
> Thanks,
> Shaun
I downloaded libfreetype6 2.0.9-1 from my mirror and just did dpkg -i and it 
was fixed :) and yes I am runngin XFree86 4.2.1 from backports.org with no 

cheers Peter van der Male

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