On Tuesday 24 February 2004 12:04 pm, Joan Roig AmorÃs wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded from KDE 3.1.4 to KDE 3.1.2 in Sid as instructed on the Wiki. It
> has been quite easy and most of the things work great (THANKS to everybody
> that made that possible!  3.2 is really great). I noticed  a few issues:
> -If you have set Kdm to load Session Type-Last (like I think most people
> do), it will not start KDE until you point it specifically to KDE .
> - X resolution changed (from 96 to 75dpi) . I have XFree 4.3.0.
> and /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers has not changed (-dpi 96).
> - Control center has two "Display" modules (well , not exactly, Kmenu -
> Preferences-Peripherals- does). The  new with Monitor Gamma and Multiple
> Monitors tabs and the old one with K Xconfig (that never worked for me;
> this has not changed). Maybe this has to do with the above point?
> - I can not find Kwifimanager anywhere (and I swear, I installed it! ;-).
> I hope that helps. I would appreciate a solution specially for X resolution
> change, two more weeks with this resolution and I will need glasses...

Hmm.  There's supposed to be a module in the control center that lets you do 
cool X 4.3 stuff like resizing the display.  I don't seem to have it in my 
control panel - maybe it was omitted or Chris & Ben don't think it's ready 

That leaves plan B - reconfiguring the X server.  Like in Perl, There's More 
Than One Way to do this.  I do it the old fashioned way - 
editing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You can also do dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver-xfree86, or run one of the zillions of X configurator programs out 

Definitely follow David Bishop's advice concerning adding -dpi 100 
to /usr/share/config/kdm/Xservers.  That'll help deal with dreaded tiny font 
disease.  Also go into Appearance & Themes -> Fonts and play with the fonts 
until you find them readable.


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