On Wednesday 03 March 2004 09:43 pm, Ruth A. Kramer wrote:
> Michael Schuerig wrote:
> > On Wednesday 03 March 2004 17:55, Bob Tilley (AT&T) wrote:
> > > Konqueror, as I understand, is a multi-purpose Browser/File
> > > Handler/Document Viewer/etc.  Does an enhanced, faster, or
> > > more-responsive version of Konqueror exist?
> >
> > There's no point in trying this if you're looking for speed. Konqueror
> > itself is nothing but a shell, albeit a very nice one. All the
> > different functionality such as web browsing and file mgmt is handled
> > by kparts or other plugins. When Thus, when you're using Konqueror for
> > web browsing, only khtml and web/html-related components (those that
> > you see in the Tools menu) are loaded.
> Michael: Thanks for that explanation!
> Bob: How much RAM is on the machine you are using?  Is the slowness you
> perceive in konqueror a result of  konqueror itself or a result of
> swapping?  (Try runing top and checking it periodically.)
> When I started using Linux I found it to be very slow compared to
> Windows (95) until I got enough memory to minimize swapping with my
> usage habits.  (I happily ran several Windows machines with 16 MB, I
> started getting satisfied with Linux at around 128 MB, my main machine
> is now at 512 MB, and I'd be happier with another 256.
> regards,
> Randy Kramer

There are a couple software related things that can slow down KDE in general, 
such as an outdated font cache.  What kind of speed are you getting with 
konqueror.  How many seconds does it take to go from mouse click to response?  
Launch times, etc.  Where is it most annoying?

I'm not running a very fast computer, and I find Konqueror to be the fastest 
browser in the west.  It usually launches in less than five seconds, 
frequently in less than one.  Web surfing for me is limited primarily by the 
speed of my modem (dial-up :( ).  Firefox and Mozilla are quite sluggish by 

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