On Monday 08 March 2004 06:06 pm, Jonathan Byrne wrote:
> Over the weekend I upgraded my desktop system to KDE 3.2.1 (from 3.1.5) 
> and did the same on my Thinkpad this morning.  Everything seems to be
> working fine except for one puzzling problem.  After logging in via kdm, it
> gets as far as the default KDE background and then just stops, with nothing
> on-screen except the background.  It does it on both machines, so I guess
> it can be called duplicatable.
> My temporary workaround is to use gdm and select a KDE session, which works
> without a hitch.

Oh, and I've seen kdm hanging after logging in a few times.  It's not actually 
hanging, it's loading twm, X's extremely lame default window manager.  Try 
clicking and holding mouse buttons when this happens.  If it's twm, you 
should see menus pop up, so you can start xterms, logout, etc.  Logout, then 
go to kdm's menu and select a KDE session type before logging in again.


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