Hello again!

On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 11:18:12PM +0200, Jesús Roncero Franco wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 April 2004 22:56, Florian Ernst wrote:
> > Please see for example the Release Note for Woody at
> > http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading#s-dse
> >lectupgrade and following.
> >
> > For easy and well-defined tasks apt-get is just fine, but otherwise
> > I'd rely on some »smarter« tool.
> Ok, I'd remake my question. If today's preferred method of installing and 
> upgrading software in debian is apt-get, and it has some problems, why is 
> this the first time I heard of it? I mean, from a user perspective, one that 
> reads many debian related mailing lists, apt-get is the most recommended 
> tool, not aptitude. 

I'd guess it's because of
a) apt-get is easily explainable, i.e. telling someone to "apt-get
install <package>" instead of telling to start aptitude / dselect /
synaptic / kpackage / $whatever, search for the package and select it
for installation is way easier (yes, I know, at least aptitude and
dselect can be controlled from the command line).
b) it's pretty straightfoward, unlike for example dselect.
c) it's there on _every single system_.

But that's only guesswork... Well, after all as seen in the Release
Notes apt-get isn't quite recommended for this particular major
release upgrade. *shrugs*


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