On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 09:23:20AM +0100, Matt Collier wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> after upgrading to kmail/1.6.2, i can't use IMAP at all, everytime i enter an 
> IMAP dir, kmail just keeps refreshing the directory, flickering away, and if 
> i click on a message, after a little more flickering it displays the message 
> below the one i want.  I assumed the problem was the new looping settings in 
> misc, but changing this seems ti have no effect at all (likely because i have 
> no new messages).  reverting to 1.5 results in kmail crashing after clikcing 
> on anything in the main windows
> has this happened to anybody else, or does anyone have any ideas?

And when you remove the index-files that kmail uses? This normally
fixed problems with kmail for me in the past. The files are in


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