Ralf Liebig wrote on 29-May-2004:
> Xaveer Leijtens wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > When I start gvim from konsole in KDE (3.2.2), it takes between 2
> > seconds and sometimes over 1 minute(!) to start. Most of the time it
> > takes around 7 seconds. I have a laptop 1.2 GHz, 512 ram and this
> > happens also if no swap has been used. It is slow on starting other
> > applications as well, but my editor should really be snappy, so for gvim
> > it hurts most. When I use blackbox with the same kernel (2.6.5), it
> > starts within 1.5 seconds, which is OK. Plain vim starts immediately.
> > 
> > Does anyone have a suggestion?

> I had similar problems. In my case it was a malfunction or an old wrong
> configuration from artsd. When I stopped and disabled the arts-daemon
> everything went fine again. 
> Try "top" and look if arts gives you full CPU-usage when you start an
> application.
> I still havn't found a solution to get along with artsd... => sad story for
> an entusiastic KDE-User :(

Tried your suggestion: gvim took 36 seconds to start, but no increase in
CPU usage for artsd. Still, I tested without artsd running, but no
improvement. I did see famd taking quite a bit of CPU while gvim was
starting, but also stopping famd didn't help (40 seconds for starting
gvim). Just to show some examples of values I just got (it times until
the window appears):

[rood] time gvim asdf

real    0m3.326s
user    0m1.264s
sys     0m0.188s
[rood] time gvim asdf

real    0m4.385s
user    0m1.236s
sys     0m0.215s
[rood] time gvim asdf

real    0m3.286s
user    0m1.245s
sys     0m0.200s
[rood] time gvim asdf

real    0m39.808s
user    0m1.313s
sys     0m0.284s
[rood] time gvim adsf

real    1m32.903s
user    0m1.401s
sys     0m0.424s

When I read about the improved performance of both kernel 2.6 and KDE
3.2, it doesn't match my experience!

Any other suggestions?


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