On Thursday, 24 Jun 2004 00:52, David Goodenough wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 June 2004 16:27, Alexander Nordström wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 23 Jun 2004 21:14, David Goodenough wrote:
> > > Why was KVim added as the default editor (at least when you
> > > open files with Konqueror) when we have so many other good
> > > editors?
> >
> > It would seem to be a reasonable assumption that if one has installed
> > vimpart, one wants to use it rather than the default Embedded Advanced
> > Text Editor. Naturally, this is still configurable from the Control
> > Centre->KDE Components->Component Chooser->Embedded text editor.
> >
> > > I know I can go through all the associations in Konqueror and
> > > remove KVim, but I want to do it automatically so that my users
> > > do not keep on having to replicate this action.
> >
> > My guess is that the reason programs would be removed along with kvim is
> > that those programs have been installed through metapackages such as
> > kde-extras, kdeaddons, and kdekitchensink.
> >
> > If you desperately need the 1.8 MiB, the individual packages of those
> > metapackages do not require kvim or vimpart and can be installed
> > individually. Simply choosing another editor component would seem easier,
> > though.
> I looked at the Control Centre, and the Embedded text editor was already
> set to the Embedded Advanced Text editor, rather than KVim.

Your file associations may be overriding that default, then, or the file 
associations are set to open text files in a separate viewer (being KVim), 
and not in an embedded viewer, as I originally interpreted your description.

Check in the Control Centre->KDE Components->File Associations under the 
relevant file type(s), such as text/plain. Under Application Preference 
Order, demote or remove KVim and add or promote your desired editor. In the 
embedding tab, select how plaintext files are to be opened, and set the 
Services Preference Order, if applicable.

> I really do not care whether Vim and its friends are installed, what I mind
> about is what the user sees and how to make sure that it is not Vim. 

If all else fails, you should be able to remove metapackages without their 
dependants being removed as well, so removing kvim should not be a problem 
either. As I showed, I could remove it without taking anything with it, and I 
have a fair bit of KDE installed, though I've mostly avoided meta packages.

As far as I can see, the only dependants of kvim that are not directly 
vim-related are kde-extras, and (via vimpart) kdeaddon. What exactly gets 
marked for removal when you try to remove kvim? What happens if you mark the 
meta packages for removal? (I can mark other meta packages that I do have 
installed for removal without their dependants also being marked.)

> I do 
> not understand why it was thought that Vim would be a good idea for
> ordinary end users.

As much as I like vi, I might have to agree with that. The inclusion of kvim 
and vimpart in popular meta packages could be questioned, at least if it is 
greedy about file associations.

I'm not sure whether this issue is specific to your installation, or to 
Debian, or if it is related to some universal behaviour of kde, so I can't 
tell if this should be an issue for the kde-usability and/or kde-quality 
lists, nor do I feel like I have the seniority to advise on whether or not to 
file a wishlist bug against kde-extras to demote vimpart to Suggests instead 
of Recommends. Your judgement is probably as good as mine, or better.

Alex Nordstrom

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