Am Sat, 7 Aug 2004 15:07:34 +0200 schrieb André Wöbbeking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Saturday 07 August 2004 13:01, dekkker wrote:
> > The only thing that works for some PDFs is:
> >
> > - open in xpdf
> > - and print from there via 'lp -d "DeviceName"'
> couldn't you use kprinter instead of lp?

Just tried it, kprinter works as well. Thanks for the hint!

> KPdf uses old xpdf and KGhostView uses ghostscript (newer versions 
> render fine but are slower then xpdf and lack some features of PDF). 
> acroread knows nothing about KDE but it should run with kprinter too.

I guess that hardens the suspicion about the cause for this problem being new 
PDF versions? I don't know the tiniest bit about what ghostscript is for, 
though... I'm really just a desktop user.

dekkker at gmx dot ch

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