Dnia poniedziałek, 30 sierpnia 2004 15:32, Derek Broughton napisał:

> > > The KDEPIM package should depend on libgpgme >= 0.4.5. If it does
> > > not, complain to the packager.

> What?  And force those who couldn't care less about PGP to install it?
> KMail runs just fine without libgpgme, so why should it depend on it?

> Now, if you install kgpg, you should get everything you need complete
> with the KMail plugins

kgpg is just a frontend to OpenPGP. 

KMail 3:3.3.0 crashed for me when selected one of it's crypto plugins.
Now (at home) I don't use any plugin but at work I had to select one which 
makes using KMail less comfortable then in KDE 3.2.x times - giving 
passphrase with each mail is worse method then before solution where
I just entered it once.

Maybe one day gpg-agent will be included in Debian archive...

"You have searched for gpg-agent in unstable, architecture i386.

Can't find that file, at least not in that distribution and on that 

JID: hrw-jabber.org
Palmtop: Sharp Zaurus SL-5500

             Exceptions prove the rule, and wreck the budget.
               -- Miller

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