On Saturday 25 September 2004 12:58, Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:
> Hoi ...
> On Freitag, 24. September 2004 14:25 wrote Thomas Rebien:
> > I don't know if this is the best way but i enabled utf-8 by setting
> > LANG and the other exports in a small script which gets sourced on
> > kde startup.
> >
> > ~$ cat .kde/env/locales.sh
> > export LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"
> > export LC_CTYPE="de_DE.UTF-8"
> > export LC_ALL="de_DE.UTF-8"
> Sorry about my stupid question, but where do you source it? I am not
> familiar with KDE yet, so I did not found the right place to source it.

It gets sourced automatically by the startkde script. Just put your script in 
your ~/.kde/env/ directory


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