On Monday 01 November 2004 22:08, Robert Tilley wrote:
> While Konqueror can be started from the Kicker, it will cause an
> error dialog to appear with the message:  "Could not find mime type:
> application/octet-stream".  Konqueror will finish loading after the
> dialog is dismissed.
> If a link in an e-mail is clicked, the same dialog will appear
> followed by normal KDE crash dialog.
> I have submitted the backtrace to bugs.kde.org.  My system recently
> apt-get upgraded from KDE 3.3.0-2 to KDE 3.3.1.

Dunno if this'll help at all but...

Control Centre -> KDE Components -> File Associations

...the application/octet-stream entry ought to exist (description 
"Unknown"), tab -> [General] has nothing in "Filename Patterns" and 
nothing in "Application Preference Order". tab -> [Embedding] has 
nothing in "Services Preference Order".

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