On Wednesday 22 December 2004 22:26, Jesús Roncero Franco shaped the 
electrons to shout:
> >       1. Get KDE 3.3.1 into sarge
> >       2. Upload KDE 3.3.2 to sid *if* the experimental packages have
> > not shown any major bugs *and* all the people involved in KDE
> > packaging agree it's time to do so.
> Very nice. Thanks for the excellent work!
> I'm actually testing the experimental packages. No big issues found
> yet.

Yup, thank you very much for your hard word and for having us informed in 
such a comprenhesive report. Thanks.

I was installing KDE from experimental since they started to be uploaded, 
no Debian bugs found yet.

PS: although I found some possible upstream's bugs, for example textarea 
changing size in wordpress forms, depending on default font size in 
Konqueror, <font size=2> or <font size=-1> don't have any effect...).

  ricardo galli       GPG id C8114D34
  Recursivo. (del lat. recursus), adj. Condición de recursivo.

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