On Saturday 08 January 2005 04:33, Hervé Eychenne wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 01:39:46AM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> I'm not talking about any kind of bug report. I'm talking about
> a submitted bug that has failed to be just tagged upstream and
> forwarded for almost 8 months now.

Irrelevant given the urgency of the problem.
Now, if it had been a security issue, then you would have been somewhat 
justified in your attitude.

> > Although in principle bug triage _is_ the job of the package
> > maintainer(s), it is also their good right to prioritize their work,
> > *especially* as we are all volunteers.
> I guess no one expects the Debian KDE team to _solve_ the bug, and
> neither do I.

Ah, that's something at least.

> "All" a Debian KDE maintainer should have done is to take a couple of
> minutes to actually tag the bug and forward it to upstream.

You have absolutely no basis to claim that a developer should do so. See 
below for the reasons.
The time of a Debian Developer, being a volunteer, is his own. If there 
really are important things that he can't handle, he will probable ask 
for help himself or, especially if the packages are important enough for 
Debian as a whole, the project will in some way intervene.

> Once more, I regret: if the submitter gets no feedback, he'll consider
> that the upstream team had hard times chasing the bug (some bugs are
> tricky), certainly not that the Debian guys has left his report in the
> bottom of the barrel for months. Do you actually understand that?

That's a somewhat valid argument. However, if you have read the general 
info on bug handling (which is freely available to users) you know that 
bugs forwarded upstream would have been tagged as such and as yours 

> > A last suggestion to the submitter: you could have tried asking here
> > how best to proceed.
> Once more, the submitter is absolutely not supposed to know that he
> should ask how to proceed instead of just reporting the bug itself,
> like reportbug (and http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting) kindly advise
> him to.

Ah, a genuine communication breakdown.
I wrote my first reaction to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and CC'ed you as 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. With "here" I meant the kde users 
list, not the BTS.
I agree that asking the BTS how to proceed would have been silly. Asking 
this list would have been very smart.

> Oh, I forgot: it is _not_ the submitter's job to monitor every bug
> he filled, just because the submitter can absolutely not imagine
> that his report might well _not be processed at all_ for months,
> years, decad^Wok, trollinit aborted.

Ah, but it is. It's even very easy. Try:
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Seems like we all like discussions, but I hope you realize that
> all the cumulated time spent in this discussion by Debian KDE
> maintainers already represents at the very least 20 times more
> time than one tag/forward operation would require (ok, now I guess
> some guy will probably say that the bug submitter is the one to
> blame, wrong shot).

The reason we are willing to spend the time on this discussion is because 
we are in general nice people and hope the discussion will help you 
understand the spirit in which Debian as a project is being run.
However, also having read your other reactions today, I don't think you 
will ever be happy with a distribution that's run on a volunteer basis.

So I suggest you forget about Debian and buy yourself a nice commercial 
one (or maybe even something out of Redmont).
However, be prepared to spend a _lot_ of money to purchase additional 
service levels to get the kind of response you seem to expect.


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