Mozilla used to have this same problem, but now it will "remember" that it was running when the kde session was closed and it automatically starts up in the correct virtual windows.  It is not only that it restarts, but that it restarts in the correct virtual window as well.  I think if I place a firefox entry inside the Autostart folder, this will start firefox, but not in the virtual window I had at the time of session shutdown.  This seems to be only a temporary work around.  I suppose that firefox was not intended to be "kde-aware" since kde supplies a browser in konqueror.  However, many other ":non-KDE" applications startup fine in the correct virtual window following a shutdown of a kde session.  For me, these include on a regular basis: evolution, xmms, gnome-terminal (like better than konsole, btw), vmware, etc.  It seems there should be a waay to "fix" firefox to establish this behavior.

Perhaps send as a bug report to the firefox development folks ? or a bug-report to the firefox debian package and ultimately get up the chain ?

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