On Saturday 11 June 2005 04:32 pm, Oliver Heins wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2005 21:47 schrieb Mateusz Linda:
> > Well, I've the same issue since  I did apt-get upgrade
> > about 3 months ago... Many people
> > also couldn't get system notifications to work but in
> > some cases removing 2 files - knotify and
> > a similar one in .kde3 in your home directory (after
> > restart these were recreated and everything
> > was fine). But this didn't work for me though... Anyway,
> > I'm still waiting for a fix to this problem.
> > I thought that maybe in KDE 3.4 there wouldn't be such
> > problems, but so far it's still not
> > working....
> I think the issue was introduced when switching to the new
> desktop.org-standard for mime-types.
> I had the same problem some time ago.  I don't remember
> exactly what I did to solve, but I think what helped me was
> deleting some files named ogg.desktop or so under ~./kde
> which had wrong entries.
I have no OGG-related files in ~/.kde, and as I mentioned, it occurs even with 
the deafault settings with a new user.

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