
After making the jump and upgrading to KDE 3.4.2, I cannot login
through KDM anymore.
The kdm login screen disappears, then I wait a few seconds for the kde
splash to appear, then X resets, and back to the login screen. This
happens whichever session I choose (of KDE, Larswm, or failsafe).

Starting a session through startx from a console works, however, and
brings me to KDE (btw: oooh shiny! ahem).

Of course, I tweaked the config file, and purged and reinstalled KDM,
all to no avail.

I've rummaged through some logs I could think of, without very
interesting results:

'tail -n 200 /var/log/syslog |grep kdm' gives me uninteresting information:
Sep  1 16:13:11 localhost kdm_greet[4432]: Can't open default user face
Sep  1 22:32:17 localhost kdm_greet[6547]: Can't open default user face
Sep  1 22:32:34 localhost kdm_greet[6614]: Can't open default user face
and auth.log gives:
Sep  1 22:32:25 localhost kdm: :0[6534]: (pam_unix) session opened for
user john by (uid=0)
Sep  1 22:32:31 localhost kdm: :0[6534]: (pam_unix) session closed for user john

in kdm.log, I have this:
QImage::convertDepth: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
Could not init font path element tcp/localhost:7110, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo, removing from list!
QImage::convertDepth: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
AUDIT: Thu Sep  1 22:35:48 2005: 6533 X: client 4 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

I don't worry about the QImage stuff, though the last two lines do intrigue me.

Xorg.0.log[.old] have nothing unusual that I notice...

Does anybody have any pointers on how to fix this, or, failing that,
where to search for some more useful information in debugging why
launching my session with KDM fails?


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